On 28th September 2010, Windhund will reunite at Aktionsradius Augarten in Vienna for a review of their East Africa tour. We will show a selection of the zillions fotos shot throughout the trip, you can purchase Siga’s and Sekembuke’s djembe drums for a more than reasonable price, we will recall some memories of the adventures we had with the garden gnomes by our side, and yes! of course there will be some music as well.

Windhund’s East Africa evening

28th September 2010, 7.30pm, admission: chapeau

Aktionsradius Wien, Gaussplatz 11, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Info: Tel. (+43 1) 332 26 94,,

Tour calendar:

Sun, 4th July, 18:00, concert @ Mtoni Palace, Zanzibar

Mon, 5th- Thu, 8thJuly, workshop @ Dhow Countries Music Academy, Zanzibar

Sun, 11th July, 19:30, concert @ Old Fort, Zanzibar International Film Festival, Zanzibar

Tue, 13th July, 20:00, concert @ TaSUBa Institute for Arts and Culture, Bagamoyo

Thu, 15th July, 15:00, concert @ CCBRT mobile outreach in Mwembeyanga/Temeke, Dar es Salaam

Sat, 17th July, 18:00, concert @ Goethe-Institut, Nairobi

Windhund Ahoi – Farewell in Vienna

In the evening prior to their departure for East Africa the Windhund will say Good Bye in Vienna on Monday, 28th June:

they are going to perform Adieu briefly around 17:00 at the exhibition “Ke Nako – Afrika jetzt!” in the courtyard of  Museumsquartier;

and again at 19:00 at the Bunkerei / Augarten: the city quarter Augartenstadt will pay tribute to the Honorary Mayor Otto Lechner with his company.

It is time to go  – cast off! – Ke Nako – Afrika jetzt!