Three weeks, five concerts, unexpected tunes and new acquaintances – we have experienced a tremendously rich and interesting time in East Africa! Thanks ever so much to Peter Kuthan, who raised funds and prepared the tour, to Anna Kuthan, our magnificent tour organiser and host in Zanzibar, and also to Dismas Sekibaha, who never tired of providing us with whatever needed (from fishing lines to profound analyses of politics). Thanks also to the partner organisations and to the many individuals who made the trip worthwile!

On Monday afternoon, the musicians Melissa Coleman, Otto Lechner and Karl Ritter, as well as tour manager Peter Kuthan and online diarist and travel chronicler Anna Soucek arrived back in Vienna, by plane and not dhow obviously, whilst Anna Kuthan returned to home to Zanzibar. Now it will take some weeks and months for the impressions to settle and perhaps, who knows, some future projects will emerge from the experiences and contacts in Tanzania and Kenya.

This, however, doesn’t mean that this blog will cease to exist – no! We will add further posts and update old ones, so do keep an eye on this site. There is still a lot to say and to listen to. World-exclusive material!

And there is one announcement to make: on 28th September 2010, the Windhund and their entourage will present results, bits of music, snaps of information, intermediate thoughts and certainly dhow loads of images at the Aktionsradius Augarten, Gaußplatz 11, 1020 Wien. All welcome! Details to follow! Please post comments!