Gehende Musik aus allen Himmelsrichtungen / Music on the move
Categories: News, Simonga-Maliko | 1 Comment

During a workshop held at Sinazongwe Basic School in Zambia by the Tonga.Online team last week the Parade documentary was shown. This was the first time that the Sinazongwe community had the chance to watch their relatives from the group Maliko performing Ngoma Buntibe as far away in Europe at the [...]

Categories: News, Simonga-Maliko | Add a Comment

Already at the end of January there was a review and planning workshop for Tonga.Online project held in Binga / Zimbabwe with members of Simonga and Maliko groups attending. Everybody applauded the participation at Parade in Linz / Austria as a major achievement for the promotion of Tonga music and culture. Some photos of the [...]

Categories: Simonga-Maliko | Add a Comment

End of September the /Parade/ made it once more and somehow full circle to where the idea originated from: to the Tonga villages along the Zambezi river in Zimbabwe. In fact, the way the Tonga Ngoma Buntibe music uses space was the inspiration and core for the concept of “Parade” as designed by the late [...]

Categories: Artists, Simonga-Maliko | 1 Comment

When we reached home, a welcome party was held inviting the Maliko group which remained behind. The jerseys and boots brought along from Austria (a gift from wellwishers at Heim.Art in Neufelden) were donated to the surrounding schools, namely Makonkonto Basic School, Siamuyala School, Fisheries School and Sinazongwe Basic School.
Appreciating the go-team when it was [...]

Categories: Artists, Simonga-Maliko | Add a Comment

The two Tonga groups of musicians, Simonga from Siachilaba in Binga district in Zimbabwe and Maliko from Sinazongwe in Zambia, who formed a joint ensemble as one of the highlights of Parade at Linz 2009 Cultural Capital of Europe in May are going to continue their collaboration across the waters of Lake Kariba.
Unfortunately this year’s [...]

Categories: Sekembuke & Siga, Simonga-Maliko | Add a Comment

Dear all.
Simonga/Maliko got together on the 26th for the final rehearsal and parade before Linz09. Yesterday the group had a parade at the Victoria Falls, across the bridge and in Livingstone Town. In the afternoon was shopping time and right now, the group is rearing to go. Take-off time is 1330 and we should be [...]

Categories: Extra Program, Simonga-Maliko | Add a Comment

Benefizkonzert des Rotary Clubs Linz Süd
für ein Solarenergieprojekt an drei Schulen im Tonga Gebiet / Zimbabwe
Am Dienstag, 5. Mai, 19.30 im Neuen Rathaus, Linz
Der Rotary Club Linz Süd unterstützt gemeinsam mit seinem Counterpart Rotary Club Belmont in Bulawayo und Rotary International drei Schulen im entlegenen Tonga Gebiet von Zimbabwe bei der Elektrifizierung mittels Solarenergie. Ein [...]

Categories: Artists, Simonga-Maliko | 3 Comments

Simonga-Maliko is set to parade across the Mighty Zambezi River, more than fifty years after the rising waters of the Zambezi forced the BaTonga from the fertile soils in the Zambezi Valley to the higher lying lands in Zimbabwe and Zambia.
The group will perform from Chinotimba Beer hall to Tshakas Den Craft centre at the [...]

Categories: Simonga-Maliko | 1 Comment

Email concerning visa applications for Simonga-Maliko:
Thanks for your mail, it’s always nice to hear from you.
Now, the latest is that last night i was talking with Hon.Chief Sinazongwe, who told me that the passport for the other Cultural Participant which had missed, was actually found after some inquiries where made with Immigration Department- Passports Office. [...]

Categories: Simonga-Maliko | 3 Comments

This is a rehearsal of the Tonga musicians from Zimbabwe and Zambia recorded in Binga, Zimbabwe 2009 by michael mastrototaro (machfeld) during the research for the art-project: PRESS THE BUTTON - Binga / Zimbabwe and Johannesburg / South Africa.
Binga rehearsalmastro | MySpace Video
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Categories: Simonga-Maliko | 2 Comments


Die 30 Tonga MusikerInnen spielen einen der wirklich großartigsten Musikstile Afrikas, in dem zwischen fünf und sieben verschieden große Trommeln (ngoma) und an die dreißig individuelle Blasinstrumente aus Antilopenhorn (nyele) gespielt werden. So trägt jede(r) Einzelne zu einem einzigartigen Klanggewebe bei, das für unsere Ohren gleichzeitig archaisch und avantgardistisch klingt.
Ngoma buntibe hat viel mit bewegter [...]